Thursday, September 23, 2010

Things I can do now that I have healthcare!!!

Its official!  Portions of the health care reform bill go into effect today. There are so many ridiculously awesome things that I can do now that I couldn't do before.  Like:

Downhill sewer kayaking

Start roof jumping again.

Try to fight all of the animals down at Sibley park.

Baby sheep boxing. (this ones not really dangerous.....but it is awesome!)

Start Napboarding.  (similar to sleepskating...involves lots of NyQuil and red bull)

Furby smuggling (please don't ask why this is dangerous.....I'd rather not say..)

Try to fight all the animals at Sibley park while blindfolded.  (the animals are blindfolded.....not me.)

Siphon and resell gasoline.  (the tricky part is getting paid before you pass out.)

High speed Moon Shoe Treadmill racing.

No longer get denied coverage for a pre-existing condition.

Dolphin Boarding  (ya screw a skateboard to the bottom of a dolphin...the hard part is stopping)

Eat only tacos and chocolate milk for a week straight.  (finally we can combine milk sale Mondays and taco Tuesdays!!!!!)

Eat hard shell tacos without warming up the shells first.  (ya ...that's right....I'm hardcore)

Start an organic porcupine milking farm. (makes great extra sharp cheddar....hehe.)

Blind, urban, underground mystery water snorkeling.

Eat eggs.

Get a construction papercut tattoo.

Urban downhill apartment rollerblading

Try to fight the animals at Sibley park after giving them weapons. (knives, bats, name it.....BRING IT YOU FURRY FU*#ERS!!)

Okay that's enough animal cruelty jokes....I really do love animals!....I just make questionable decisions sometimes. : ).   If your not a fan of ANY sort of health care reform then you are a heartless person who doesn't care about me doing super fun awesome things!......that is all.


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