Friday, September 10, 2010

"That is what she presumably aforementioned."

Adjusting from college life is no easy task.  One of the hardest things I have had to deal with......that's what she said.... is figuring out when it is appropriate to make inappropriate comments. Case in point: That's what she said.

I don't think a day of my life has gone by since beginning college where I haven't uttered that beautiful four syllable phrase.  If you are unfamiliar here is an example:

Person 1: (talking about the wind) "I like it when its behind me but not when its blowing in my face."

Me:  "That's what she said."


Person 1: "I bet we could fit the rest of them in there if we really try."

Person 2: "That's what she said!"


Every gas station pump:  "Thanks, please come again."

Me:  "That's what she said!"  (haha this one gets me every time)


Persona uno: "Tomó cuatro personas para que lo baje"

Persona dos:  "que es lo que dijo."

Anyways you get the point.  There are many times and places when it is appropriate to be inappropriate.  I am not entirely sure how to tell yet, but I will learn.  When in doubt you can always class it up a little bit by saying " Haha mmmm yes.....that is what she presumably aforementioned."...insert awkward silence. 

Today's interesting fact:  Do you know why dolphins are so friendly and kind to humans?  Because they are smart...and probably delicious.  You show me a mean dolphin and I'll show you the next tasty half price appetizer at applebees.


Help me get hernia a t-shirt here! (now with more colors and styles)......if you don't then I'll just do it myself...hey theres no shame in bribery :) ...or home surgery for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Danny! pretty sure between brady and I and maybe D ross we can handle that hernia problem!
